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Protect children online

Protect children online:  Safety for kids' digital journeys

ISPs are important for keeping kids safe online. With social media and online gaming, kids can be in danger. Parents need to protect their kids, but it's hard to watch everything they do online.

Help subscriber families protect their children's online lives.

Protecting children online

Children's safety solutions

Keeping kids safe online

Internet safety tools for parents

Parental controls watch over children's phones, limit internet use, block certain websites, and track online actions. These tools help parents feel at ease and ensure the internet safety for kids.

Phone monitoring apps for parents

Apps to monitor kid's phones help parents check what their kids do online. They track social media, texts, and app usage to ensure their kids' safety on the internet.

Online safety for children

ISPs have various tools and services to keep kids safe online. They provide parental controls and home network security to give the best solutions to their customers.

Safety tools

How parental monitoring apps keep kids safe

One of the most effective ways ISPs can protect children online is by promoting digital education. This involves teaching children about responsible and safe internet use. 
Internet service providers can work together with educational institutions and organizations. They can provide educational sessions and resources on topics such as online privacy, cyberbullying, and identifying false information. 
ISPs can protect children from online dangers by teaching them how to use the internet safely.

ISPs are important for internet access, but protecting children online is now a major concern. ISPs can provide safety measures, such as parental controls, filtering services, and internet security software, for added protection.
BSPs can provide monitoring services. These services include apps for tracking kids' phones. They help parents monitor their children's online activities. Additionally, they ensure their safety on the internet.
ISPs can help parents control and watch over their kids' online activities. This can help ISPs be more creative, strengthen their reputation, and benefit their customers.

Alarming trends

Kids' online exposure to serious topics

Families today are confronted with alarming trends regarding online exposure to serious topics.

A 2021 study found that 37 percent of teens report having experienced cyberbullying but only 10 percent disclosed the incident to a parent.

  • 73 percent of tweens and 93 percent of teens engaged in conversations surrounding drugs/alcohol.​

  • 72 percent of tweens and 85 percent of teens experienced bullying as a bully, victim, or witness.​

  • 32 percent of tweens and 56 percent of teens engaged in conversations about depression.

Expand your value

Take on the direct-to-consumer giants and win

Enable even the smallest BSPs to expand their value to the communities they serve by helping families protect children at home, school, and everywhere in between.​

Even the smallest BSP can compete at scale and differentiate themselves to take on the direct-to-consumer giants and win. 

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