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Oct 09, 2023
3 min

How To Share Real-Time Visibility and Actionable Insights Across Subscribers, Systems, and Services

Secure connectivity today is as fundamental to people’s lives as water and electricity, and it comes with the same expectation: that it is always available. If there is a network issue, subscribers expect proactive and transparent communications. However, it’s hard for broadband service providers (BSPs) to be proactive when they must take several manual steps and touch various systems to determine the root cause of the disruption—and they cannot communicate critical information to the appropriate teams promptly.

Historically, BSPs learned of an issue when a customer called to report it. The network operations team then spent a significant amount of time reviewing data, event logs, and telemetry to determine the cause of the problem. Information sharing among internal teams relied on non-automated processes that often led to delays because different teams have different needs and use other tools.

For instance, the operations team is concerned with identifying and resolving the issue’s root cause. In contrast, the customer support team needs to understand which subscribers are affected and how long the problem will take to fix so they can communicate it with customers.

Automated Real-Time Network Visibility

Success in today’s hyper-connected and hyper-competitive broadband industry rests on having a 360-degree view of all subscribers, systems, and services. And if there is an unexpected network issue, BSPs need real-time information on what’s been impacted.

This is possible with machine-to-machine, automated real-time communications that unify all systems around the same data set and events. What used to take hours to determine is now delivered in seconds—dramatically reducing response time and improving the customer experience.

An automated notification message payload includes comprehensive information about subscribers, systems, and services—streamlining the communication of critical information to the various teams. For example, the operations team is equipped with the cause of the outage and what systems and services are down so they can immediately work on a resolution. At the same time, the customer support team has all the current information and is informed when a customer calls in, building trust and improving the customer relationship.

Proactive Communications Drive Satisfaction

BSPs can also deliver automated communications to subscribers, notifying them of an outage and the expected time to resolution. This proactive approach changes the conversation with customers, reduces the

number of incoming support calls, and builds trust with subscribers—benefits that are ultimately reflected in a BSP’s customer satisfaction score.

Network outages happen, from tornados to floods to construction fiber cuts (which we’re seeing a lot of due to investment in infrastructure). How a BSP handles the unexpected makes all the difference, and proactive communications is critical to ensuring a superior subscriber experience.

To learn more, download our eBook "How Embracing Automation Can Boost Productivity, Lower Costs, and Transform Your Operations."

Get in touch! Please connect with me on LinkedIn or email me at    

Chief Product Officer (CPO), Calix

Shane is the chief product officer at Calix. Shane is responsible for all of Calix’s products—access, premises, cloud, and ecosystem—and leads the teams responsible for product strategy, product management, engineering, cloud operations, and technology. He has more than 30 years of experience creating cloud, software, and networking innovation. Prior to Calix, Shane held leadership positions at CommScope, Alloptic, Corrigent Systems, Alcatel-Lucent, and Telus. Shane holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alberta.

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