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May 10, 2022
3 min

Discover the Importance of Key Performance Metrics for Your Contact Center

Key Performance Indicators: Your Secret to Support Success?

Every broadband service provider (BSP) customer support organization wants to deliver an exceptional subscriber experience. Why? Happier subscribers lead to lower support costs, greater efficiency, increased loyalty, and reduced churn. The good news is that you can accomplish this goal with one important tool: data. The challenge for most support teams is determining the most important data points or metrics to track. That’s where key performance indicators (KPIs) enter the picture.

Why KPIs Matter for Customer Support

Key performance indicators measure your success in meeting specific operational objectives. Support teams that track—and act on—KPIs can increase their efficiency, reduce operational expenses (OPEX), and boost subscriber satisfaction and loyalty. Ignore these metrics and your business may face negative consequences: higher support costs, lower subscriber satisfaction, and increased churn. For example, in the past year, 52 percent of consumers switched providers due to bad customer service, with an estimated cost to those providers of $1.6 trillion. Even more striking, it can cost up to five times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one.

Different support organizations track different KPIs. Here are three of the most important support KPIs to watch.

KPI #1: Trouble Tickets

In addition to tracking the total number of trouble tickets, you need to dig into the details behind the numbers. This will help you understand what’s driving calls to the support desk. Look at problem codes, cause codes, problem status codes, and resolution codes. Analyze this data on a monthly and yearly basis to identify trends and areas of improvement.

Benefits of tracking trouble tickets: Increase call center efficiency and lower OPEX.

KPI #2: First Call Resolution

First call resolution (FCR) measures your ability to resolve subscriber problems within a single call. The higher your FCR rate, the better—50 percent or higher is the industry benchmark.

Benefits of tracking first call resolution: Avoid costly escalation to Tier 2 support and increase subscriber satisfaction. 

KPI #3: Truck Rolls

The truck roll rate is one of the most critical KPIs that BSPs track. Every time a technician visits a subscriber’s home or business to resolve an issue, it’s expensive—each truck roll costs between $120 and $150 on average. Worse, there’s no guarantee that the tech can solve the problem, because they may not have access to the right information once they are on site.

Benefits of tracking truck rolls: Reduce OPEX and improve subscriber satisfaction.

Use KPIs To Make Informed Decisions and Optimize Your Support Operations

These are a few of the essential customer support KPIs you should monitor in your broadband business. Armed with this critical data, you can make informed decisions that will help you increase support efficiency, reduce costs, and improve the subscriber experience.

Learn how tracking KPIs can help you optimize your customer support—download our “Customer Support Blueprint: Your Guide to Key Performance Indicators.” 

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